Support our work Support us Amazon Smile Amazon Smile Did you know Amazon Smile is a simple way for you to support our great work every time you shop? Amazon will give 0.5% of the purchase price to Focus. How it works: Visit If you have an Amazon account you will need to sign in with it. If you don't you'll be asked to register an account. Once you've signed in, you'll be asked to pick a charity, here you need to type Focus Birmingham to pick us as your charity of choice. If you are using a smartphone you will need to activate Smile through the Amazon Shopping App. You can do this by clicking on the main menu tab in the top right corner and look for settings. In settings click on Amazon Smile and search for Focus Birmingham in the tab to select us as your charity of choice. Remember to use the site if you are using a PC for this to work. Did you know you can now add a Google Chrome extension to your browser called Smilematic, that will automatically turn your Amazon purchases into donations. This extension will make it easier for you to support us by simply just shopping on Amazon as usual. Find out more and download the extension here: Manage Cookie Preferences