Our impact The difference we make The difference we make Making lives better is at the forefront of what we do. Our purpose is to provide high quality, innovative services to blind, visually impaired and those with profound disabilities across the West Midlands. We aim to fulfill this objective by: Providing expert care, support, advice and information to people living with sight loss or complex disabilities in a number of specialist fields including optometry, rehabilitation, community support and direct care. To enhance lives through multi-disciplinary approaches and by involving and supporting their families and carers. Raising awareness of the issues people with a visual impairment or profound disabilities may face and to campaign for change when appropriate. Sight Loss Support We understand to suddenly lose your sight is a very frightening and isolating experience. One of the ways we support people in the local area is by our befriending and welfare service. The below quote is from a client of our service: “I was referred to the Focus Birmingham telephone befriending service by another sight loss charity, Birmingham Vision. It's been a godsend. I was paired up with volunteer befriender, Andrew and I look forward to Tuesday mornings because Andrew will be calling me and we will have our weekly catch-up. It has had such a positive impact on me, I have something to look forward to, my anxiety levels have gone down and I don’t feel so lonely anymore”. We have partnered with RNIB to implement a new Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Service. Our impact data shows how this service has significantly increased our clients’ understanding and the ability to better manage their sight loss condition. Find out more about our sight loss support, by calling our supportline on - 0121 393 4849 or email:[email protected] Complex Needs Support Our day service for people with complex disabilities has been rated 'Good' by Birmingham City Council, the highest rating that can be achieved. During our inspection we were highly commended for our approach to supporting communication and personalisation. Our team support over 95 clients in the day centre and provide engaging activities during the day to provide learning and development opportunities. See the below story of the positive impact our day service has had upon a family whose son attends Focus: "Within a couple of months of our son attending the Focus Day Service we couldn’t believe the difference in our son. He was communicating using small sentences and trying to use Makaton (a communication aid that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate). He has started to complete small day-to-day tasks like taking dirty cups and plates into the kitchen and wiping tables after meal times. He will approach staff to communicate what he would like and is able to independently make a choice. We have never seen him so happy and wanting to go to the day service". Find out more about our complex needs support, by calling - 0121 393 4849 or email: [email protected] Supported Living We provide a care and support to 14 tenants at our Supported Living Scheme - Millward Place in Kings Norton, Birmingham. Working in partnership with Bromford Housing we help our tenants to live independent lives in their own self-contained apartments providing them with a safe and secure long-term home. We have been rated ‘Good’ for this service following our last CQC inspection As a charity, being able to make a difference to the lives of those who live at Millward place is very important to our staff/management team. See below quote from a tenant living at Millward Place: "I feel safe at Millward place and the staff help me when I need it". Call us on - 0121 451 1131 or email [email protected] to find out more about our supported living. Manage Cookie Preferences