At Focus Birmingham, we have experience of commissioning with statutory authorities at a range of different levels and we are always interested in talking to commissioners about relevant services.
Our complex needs support team work with adults aged nineteen upwards, who live with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

If you are a commissioner working with people with complex needs, we can help you. 

Our service enables citizens to be less socially isolated and to reach their full potential through our four activity streams which are listed below:

Focus Birmingham - Complex Needs Support activity stream

Our person-centred approach means we work with the people we support and their families, enabling them to make informed decisions based in their needs. 


The people we support are funded to attend the Day Service via a variety of methods including local authority funding, health funding and personal budgets. We can support families to access relevant funding

We also welcome enquiries about work experience, internship and apprenticeship opportunities. If any of these interest you, please click on ‘Work for us’


For all referrals: